abundance in three easy steps
abundance to your life
What is abundance?
Abundance can include excess material wealth and prosperity, but true abundance is something much greater, much more gratifying and eternal.
Having true abundance in your life means feeling happy, satisfied, and expansive. It means feeling calm, happy, and light in your body, mind, and spirit. This eternal and expansive eternal heat fills you with gratitude and happiness that you later want to share with everyone around you. An abundant life is one in which you fulfill your true purpose. You live the highest version of your true nature. Your life expresses your dharma.
The opposite of abundant life is one in which you feel empty, unsatisfied, and lacking in many areas. Not only are you unhappy with your finances, but you lack direction, motivation, ambition, and passion. Your body, mind, and spirit feel out of alignment with your true purpose.
This article guides you through three easy steps to enjoy true abundance. And that may also include prosperity!
Three easy steps
what you want
what you want first
What do you want? You know what you want?
It's easy to say, "I want a million dollars" or "I want a new sports car."
But what do you really want? The first step in attracting abundance is to be very clear about what you want. Until you know for sure what you want in life, you will never have it. How can you have something if you don't know what you want?
As you begin your journey of abundance, write what you like. Listen to your heart. Your soul speaks through your heart. Clarify what you really want in life.
If it's more love, or better health or money to pay the mortgage, or a better job, write it down. Know what you want.
Once you know your own wishes, ask them to come to you. With gratitude for all the blessings in your life today, request the abundance you desire. Abundance is your right as a spark of the Divine. You deserve to have good things in your life.
Start by clarifying what you want.
Then practice daily gratitude for what you have. Look at the good things in your life. Take a look at the things you've taken for granted: material possessions, your current health, your current relationships that work well. Whatever is good, focus on that, and say thanks.
When you appreciate what you already have, then you change the flow of energy in your life. How could you receive more if you don't even realize how much you own? Expressing gratitude begins to move the energy in a positive flow. Positive flow helps you attract what you really want.
abundance into your life
You deserve
good things
yourself to the flow of universal abundance
The universe is infinitely abundant. When you ask for what you want and think you deserve it, you will have it.
Start by seeing yourself with what you want. While you sleep at night, practice creative visualization. See yourself living your abundant life. Feel the joy, peace, and tranquility of your abundant life. See yourself doing things, having the things you want. Allow that positive energy to flow through you while you fall asleep.
When you wake up, before you get up, take a moment to feel those peaceful and joyous images from the night before.
Take time to make room for the things you want. Do you want true love? Then maybe it's time to get out of the bad relationship you've been holding onto.
Do you want better health? Perhaps look at what is not serving you in your current life and get rid of it.
Make room for what you want by getting rid of what you don't want. As you create room for something new, positive energy pours into your life. You don't have to create a complete turmoil in your life. Instead, make small positive changes in the direction of what you really want.
Throughout the day, look at yourself with the life of your dreams. Take a moment to appreciate what is coming. Know that it will come in due course.
The universe is never late! Trust that what you are looking for will appear at the exact moment.
Even if you don't see or don't know how it will happen, have faith that it will work as you requested, or better.
When you step in the direction of your dreams, the entire universe conspires to support you. Once you have asked, you have taken the first step. Now do one thing in that direction. Make that phone call. Write that article. Throw the soda away. Clean your old car. A step in the right direction will lead you to the next right decision, as you clear the way to an abundant life.
Open your
heart to receive
Be open to receiving the abundance of the universe
You ask. Do you believe it? Now open to receive.
Don't block the energy of abundance by declaring how abundance should appear in your life. Allow yourself to remain open to abundance in the many ways it will come.
God often works through people. When you allow others to serve and help you, then you offer them a gift, just as they offer you one. If no one receives, to whom can we give?
Allow yourself to receive abundance when it arrives. Don't close the door because you thought it would look different. Take a deep breath and thank the Universe for responding to your request.
Did you want money, deposited directly into your account? Well, what if a friend offers you money instead? Do not reject the gifts of the universe and do not reject your friend the gift of his service. Accept with grace and gratitude what comes into your life.
Many times, people ask for something, setting expectations about exactly how it should arrive. Trust that the universe knows what is best, not only for your life, but for the good of all. Maybe it's better trying to date a good guy who has a job and treats you like a princess, than looking for a stud in the bar who treats you bad and is mean to your kids.
If you reject what you have asked for, the energy of abundance is blocked. The universe sees that you want more than what you already have (and you don't like it), so you start to meet more idiots, have more health problems, or gain more weight.
Whatever you say you want, make sure you receive it with open arms. And if it turns out that what you thought you wanted to be was not in your best interest, then ask again.
The universe has an unlimited supply of abundance. There is more than enough. You are more than enough. You deserve an abundant life of peace, joy, and happiness.
You deserve
Wealth Easily
It is not difficult to live an abundant life.
First, ask for what you want. Clarify what that is and express your gratitude for the good things you already have.
Then, believe that you deserve and you will receive abundance. See yourself living an abundant life, doing the things you would have, feeling the feelings, and being the person you will be when you are abundant. See it and believe it.
Finally, receive abundance. The universe is infinitely abundant and you deserve an abundant life. Every person on this planet deserves to live their best life. When good things come to you, receive them with grace and thanks. Share that abundance with others and keeps that positive energy flowing.
There is no limit to abundance. God, the universe, the divine. However you choose to call your higher self, however, you choose to relate to that magnificent, eternal and creative energy that the Source of Light, Life, and Love want to fill you with abundance. You deserve it. Ask. Believe. receive.
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